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Disclaimers & Truths

To my devoted Acolytes, visitors, friends, and all of your mothers,


I'd like to [un]sincerely thank you all. Without people like you, this would just be a dream. By which I mean a website nobody visits. Like it is. Donators, I fuckin' love you guys. You're making the world a better place. Seriously. Thoism is an actual religion, yes. That is so because someone somewhere believes in humanities the same way I do. Just because society tells you you should do something doesn't mean you should do it.


Do what makes you happy. That's what life is truly about. I dreamt up this concept - A religion that doesn't classify you as anything but who you are - because I truly believe that everyone needs to shut the fuck up. Throttle back. Try something new. Help someone out. Don't be a dickhead. 


Help me out guys. Lets make this planet a better place to live for ourselves. This is only the beginning of something massive, I promise you that. With your help, we can save a life. We can throw a party. We can help each other. If we work together, we can achieve the impossible: One day, even Californians will use their fucking turn signals. 


All this comes from my over-analyzation of the McRib. I was at McDonalds one day, eating a McRib. I thought to myself "Man, am I ever going to miss these awful meatpies when they're gone." At that moment I realized it. THO.Someone = McRib. If even these tasty whores go away one day, odds are I will too. "I'm here for a limited time only too! Fuck!" It really put things in to perspective for me. Since then I've been living my life for my own enjoyment. As should you. I can honestly say I've tried more things, had more fun, made more friends, and been 100% more satisfied with the quality of my own life since I did. 


So, as your mysterious leader. I'll promise you the following three [four] things.


1. I will be eternally loyal to my following, and truthful in all matters THO.

2. I will ensure common sense not go unrewarded.

3. I will not spend your donations on a fucking boat. Unless you want me to, in which case I'll set up a seperate fund for the boat, and once we get it we can all go party together in international waters just for shits. 

4. I will ensure your donations go where you want them. Not in my pocket. Not to PETA. Not to the new server I'm going to need to buy to host you guys. Actually yeah, the server will be bought with your donations, assuming you donated to THO. Not PETA.



- THO.Someone





***This website and/or religion is intended for only those with an open mind. If you came here and were offended - fuck right off, I didn't force you to read the page. If your children came here, saw this, swear a lot now, and have clearly become enlightened -- I'm sorry I did your job for you. You were a bad parent anyway. 




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